garden therapy

Therapy projects with garden therapists

Below you will find the map of garden therapy projects with registered garden therapists (according to IGGT) known to us.

First name Last name Company  
Anja Deckers - View Details
Bärbel Zirkel Grüner Zirkel View Details
Birgit Steininger Hochschule für Agrar-u. Umweltpädagogik View Details
Carmen Feldhaus - View Details
Christina Bauernfeind - View Details
Christina Engert - View Details
Corinna Cieslik-Bischof Therapiegarten Grüne Stunde e.V. View Details
Doreen Salzmann, Dipl. Ing. (FH) - View Details
Doris Pompe - View Details
Imke Struck - View Details
Irma Boltner - View Details
Jana Morche - View Details
Jürgen Höppner vita-gartenwork View Details
Karin Janßen - View Details
Kirsten Boeck Wangeliner Garten View Details
Mario Steininger - View Details
Martin Pfannekuch Vitos Rheingau gGmbH View Details
Martin Pfannekuch Vitos Rheingau View Details
Martina Brand - View Details
Miriam Scarati - View Details
Mirko Surburg Erlebe Grün View Details
Oliver Scheepers - View Details
Patty Muller Johanniter-Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie View Details
Ralf Winkler - View Details
Sabine Archner Die Gartenfee View Details
Silvia Bär - View Details
Silvia Schulte - View Details
Siw Küttner Rudolf Virchow RPK Glauchau View Details
Sonja Baringhorst - View Details
Sophie Schwittek - View Details
Stefanie Hermann garten fuer alle View Details
Susanne Büssenschütt Garten und Therapie Büssenschütt View Details
Sylvi Schiller - View Details
Ulrike Kreuer der dritte frühling - Gartengestaltung für Menschen mit Demenz View Details

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